Thirst quenchers but also nutrients. Low in calories but also suitable for those who play sports. Let’s talk about smoothies, true must of the season. How to prepare them flawlessly? Follow our advice

To prepare the healthy smoothie you need fresh fruit and vegetables, fantasy and a blender. You can indulge your imagination and add many other ingredients; the important thing is to respect some basic rules, fundamental for a perfect and tasty result.

We know that it takes some time to prepare a smoothie. Don’t give up on your healthy and tasty smoothie in the morning, even when you’re in a hurry.

1- Blend frozen fruit

With this little trick you can get a fresh smoothie with a creamy consistency.

2- Add some oil

Extra virgin olive oil, useful for increasing the assimilation of micronutrients.

3- The smoothie if you are sporty

The ideal smoothie if you play sports? Dates, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews or pistachios: dried fruit is the ideal ingredient and the solutions are practically infinite.

Perfect for you, are the food spring Smoothie Balls: pralines of organic fruit and vegetables, dried and ground, then mixed with dates and cashews. Just put them in the blender with a little milk or coconut water and in a few seconds, the smoothie is ready.

4- The smoothie if you are on a diet

And for a low-calorie smoothie? Certainly must not miss the cucumbers with their peel (where most of the vitamins are concentrated), the pineapple with the core and the ginger.

We recommend Shape Shakes: prepared for a sublime low-calorie snack, able to reduce calories thanks to the addition of L-carnitine, which helps slimming and improves mood.

Contain whey protein but no guilt!

Mix 30 g of powder (approx. 3 tablespoons) with 300 ml of water or partially skimmed milk. Pour the liquid into the shaker first, then add a portion of Shape Shake and shake vigorously for 20-30 seconds.

5- Seasonal fruit and vegetables

Another suggestion is to use seasonal fruit and vegetables, in the summer, for example, excellent melon, rich in beta-carotene, which favors tanning.

6- Respect the proportions

For a smoothie with a creamy consistency at the right point, combine two cups of liquid (which can be milk, yogurt, fruit juice, soy or almond milk) and a cup of fresh fruit in the blender. If you want it very velvety, among the fruits used, the banana cannot be missing.

7- Too much liquid?

If, after blending, you notice that the result is too liquid, you can always add a little honey or natural syrups.

8- The final touch

If the smoothie represents your meal it is good to add some protein, for example in the form of finely chopped nuts: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts to taste, or seeds, for example flax.

9- There is no limit to fantasy

Once you have become familiar with the preparation of the base, then you can start indulging yourself with the aromas: for example cocoa powder, cinnamon, vanilla essence or even nutmeg. There are no limits to possible mixes.

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Roger Walker

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