Whether you have been practicing yoga for a few weeks or years, there is no doubt you have witnessed the benefits, and that is why you are still at it. Maybe you are feeling grounded, energized, lighter and stronger. And with such results, who would not want to keep discovering what a yoga lifestyle offers? Practicing yoga can affect your lifestyle. One thing you get to learn is ahimsa, teaching that describes how to treat other living things ethically. Adopting a plant-based diet is one way to adhere to these teachings. Following a plant-based diet has many benefits that go beyond treating animals ethically.
How is a Plant-Based Lifestyle and Yoga Connected?
Not harming other people is a major part of several spiritual practices. However, the ahimsa concept extends to all animals and the planet. Choosing a diet with a less negative impact on animals makes the most sense for anyone wishing to adhere to an authentic yoga lifestyle. By doing this, you are setting an excellent example to others in reducing one’s impact on the planet. You are also choosing a lifestyle that is non-violent towards animals and eating a healthy diet that is good for your general health and wellbeing.
Reasons To Consider a Plant-Based Diet
A significant advantage of a plant-based diet is healthier weight management. There is also a reduced risk of chronic diseases and mental health support. Discussed below are a few other benefits of a plant-based diet.
Better Yoga Performance
Because a plant-based meal has less saturated fat and cholesterol, it enhances blood circulation and thickness. That means your blood gets to reach the muscles efficiently, resulting in improved athletic performance. You can, therefore, do yoga poses with ease. Plant-based diets also contain antioxidants that can help fight free radicals. This minimizes muscle fatigue and promotes recovery time.
Healthy Skin
Most plants like nuts, leafy greens, and seeds contain vitamins A and E. These vitamins are great for healthy skin. In fact, a lot of people admitted that after giving up meat and dairy products, they noticed a big improvement in their skin.
Less Inflammation
Inflammation is a normal response in the immune system. Anytime you are injured or sick, the body will send cells to repair, leading to inflammation. However, the issue arises whereby, even after you have healed, the inflammation becomes severe. In most cases, inflammation can be triggered by taking dairy, meat, and other processed foods. With a plant-based diet, this is a problem you can avoid.
Improved Muscle and Tone Definition
A plant-based diet is amazing for gut health, which enhances healthy weight loss even when you are not really concerned with cutting calories. Less fat in the body means you are more flexible, which improves your muscle tone.
Improved Energy
When practicing yoga, you need energy and focus. Gale Tobin advises that food plays a significant role in how you feel physically and mentally. Plant foods create more energy, which comes in handy when doing yoga.
Different Variations of a Plant-Based Diet
A plant-based diet can come in many variations, as seen below:
- Vegan- A vegan avoids all animal food, including meat, seafood, poultry, honey, eggs, and dairy. Most people choosing a vegan diet also avoid any outfits and personal care products that contain animal products.
- Vegetarian- This is a popular variation of plant-based that is not as restrictive as a vegan. It allows for certain animal products like dairy and eggs but eliminates animal flesh.
Other types of plant-based variations that are not restrictive include pescatarian and flexitarian.
As seen above, eliminating animal products from your diet can significantly enhance your yoga performance and improve your health in general. Therefore, if you are trying to decide whether you should make the switch, the reasons above should convince you.