This delicious and extremely protein meat roll recipe is perfect for those people who are in search of the best carbohydrates and cholesterol levels good for the body. It is ideal if you find yourself sculpting your body or doing the important physical activity.

Although, it is not limiting, at all. In fact, it is an ideal preparation to invite friends or family and share a different moment and full of good vibes. When making this dish you will not only be satisfying your appetite.

Maybe you wonder, and why is it a recommended source of carbohydrates? Basically, because of the lean proteins that are the type, you’ll find inside this meat roll. What’s more, minced meat, which is the main ingredient, is full of these substances.

So, if you are doing exercises, looking for a constant and organic source of gaining muscle mass, or simply increase some kilos in a healthy way, this alternative that you have before you is unbeatable. In addition to economic, also of simple preparation and free of synthetic compounds.

As we have already said, it contains carbohydrates, proteins, essential amino acids that come from meat, exclusively, and vitamins and traces elements. In conclusion, your body will appreciate the intake of quality elements to the body but it will depend on you what to do with what you get.

Now, the way you will make this meat roll recipe is very simple. You just have to follow some steps that we are about to show you. It is easy to prepare, and very soon you will be at your table, tasting your creation.

Discover how to achieve the meat roll recipe

Do not forget to consider these suggestions

This recipe, although it includes a central axis of the preparation minced meat or ground beef, does not mean that you can not use other types. That is, if you consider that the chicken is better, you should only follow exactly the same procedure but supplanting an ingredient for which you want.

In the same way, it happens with the pig, turkey, or whatever you have in mind. However, when modifying the original meat roll recipe, you have to be very clear that the nutritional values change. Thus, depending on your eating habits, the incidence in the body may vary.

meat roll recipe


  • 3 cups minced or ground beef (690 g)
  • 2 medium onions
  • 2 branches of chopped cilantro
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups turkey ham strips (240 g)
  • 2 chicken sausages
  • 3 spoonfuls of devilish ham (45 g)
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder (15 g)
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper (5 g)
  • 2 cups of cooked vegetables (240 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g)
  • 1 extended sheet of aluminum foil

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meat roll recipe

  1. The first and most essential thing you should do is to properly season the minced or ground beef.
  2. For this, you will need to do the following: mix the chopped onions, garlic, salt, cilantro and egg and distribute evenly throughout the meat.
  3. Then, preheat the oven to 200 ºC.
  4. When you have managed to mix the condiments and dressings well with the meat, you should proceed to spread it on a rectangular sheet of aluminum foil.
  5. Try not to be too thin, so that when you bend it and pass it to the oven, it does not fall apart.
  6. Start with the filling of the meat roll. For this, place the chopped sausage, the cooked vegetable broth and the devil’s ham in the center of the rectangle.
  7. Make sure you also fill in the tips of the meat rectangle.
  8. Now, proceed to wrap the filling. Fold it with your hands and make sure there are no spaces that are not well closed.
  9. Finally, place everything in a refractory tray and bring to the oven for 45 minutes. When removing, cut into slices and serve.

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Monica Frye

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