What is Syphilis? Syphilis is an extremely common sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a virus called Treponema Pallidum. It is one of the most common STDs in the World, with over a million new cases reported each year. Though there are no symptoms for Syphilis, it is oftentimes diagnosed through doctor’s visits due to its high rate of recurrence after sexual activity. If you are concerned about your sexual health then just get Chlamydia Testing kits Bexley provides. It identifies other things as well at https://www.bexleysexualhealth.org/home_sti_kits/.
What is Syphilis? This article will cover some of the basic information on what is syphilis, including common symptoms associated with the disease, causes, and the risk factors. This is not a comprehensive medical health guide and is not intended to be used as medical advice. If you are considering or experiencing any symptoms of Syphilis, please consult with your doctor immediately. Syphilis is easily spread when engaging in anal, oral and vaginal sex and can cause serious side effects including heart problems, vision loss, strokes, paralysis, heart failure, fever, and liver damage. Syphilis can have multiple effects.
Now that you know what is syphilis, it is time to start taking action and get tested and treated early on. Syphilis does not always have to manifest in a negative manner, especially if left untreated for long. It is important to get treated and get cured as soon as possible to avoid further health problems and live a healthy life. Most cases of syphilis are treatable and can be cured, but it is important to take care of yourself and take your medications on time. If you suspect that you have been exposed to the virus, talk to your doctor at once and get treated as soon as possible!