At home, we have the routine of taking a sandwich every Friday, except last minute changes. We like it with any variety of bread, but if it is of this type much better. Since I tried the easy milk bread, I do not make another had to be a success.

With this magnificent recipe, we will obtain a bread with a very tender crumb and subtly crunchy thin crust, which I consider perfect. If we add that its kneading technique is very simple and is based on very short kneading and resting, I think anyone can be encouraged to do it.

Easy milk bread


For 1 piece

  • 350 ml milk
  • Baker’s dry yeast5 g
  • Honey20 g
  • 250 g pastry flour
  • 250 g strength flour
  • Salt7 g
  • Butter25 g
  • Extra virgin olive oil5 ml

How to make easy milk bread

Difficulty: Easy

  • Total time 45 mins
  • 45 mins cooking
  • Rest 40 mins

Easy milk bread

Mix in a bowl the milk with the yeast and honey. Add the flour and salt and join until a light and sticky dough forms. Put the butter on top and squeeze the dough by hand until it is incorporated. We remove the remains from the hand, put them in the bowl and let the dough rest for 10 minutes.

Lightly grease the table with a little oil, knead 10 seconds and form a ball. We wash and dry the bowl, lightly oil it, place the dough inside and let it rest for 10 minutes. We repeat the kneading of 10 seconds more, leaving to rest between kneading 10 minutes. In total, we do this operation 3 times allowing the last 30 minutes standing.

We grease and flour a 30 cm cake mold. Divide the dough into two balls of equal size and place them in the mold. Cover and let stand until they almost double their volume. Preheat the oven to 210º with heat up and down. Brush the bread with a little milk and bake for 15 minutes.

We lower the oven temperature to 180º and cook for another 25 minutes approximately according to each oven. If it browns too much and we don’t like it, we can cover it with silver paper. We remove from the mold to a rack and let it cool completely before consuming it.

What to accompany the easy milk bread?

This easy milk bread is perfect both for sandwich, for its tender crumb, and for toasting, because of the sugar it contains, it caramelizes very well and is ideal. We have tried it in both cases and it has become one of my favorites because its realization is very simple and the result is spectacular.

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Roger Walker

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