A good breakfast will help us to face the day with energy and will help us to maintain a balanced weight since it is the fundamental meal of the day. We give you some breakfast tips for a good health.
We all know breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Whether it is to lose weight or to lead a healthier life, it is necessary to follow some guidelines with which to feed us better and, consequently, to have a better quality of life.
Sometimes, for reasons of work or certain habits, we usually get up quickly and leave the house with a simple coffee. This will soon make us feel without energy and with slight discomfort.
These are mistakes that can take a long time. It is necessary to pause for a moment to make a good breakfast with which to face the day in the best way possible.
Why is breakfast so important?
Leaving home without a good breakfast will affect our concentration and moodiness, as we lack the level of glucose needed to feed our brain.
We have to take into account that our body takes 8 hours without consuming any food.
Breakfast is especially important in the case of children, not having breakfast has an effect both for their development and for their physical and intellectual productivity in school.
Breakfast can offer us the necessary dose of essential vitamins and minerals to spend the day.
People, who eat breakfast in a balanced, varied and correct way, maintain their weight within healthy limits. The ideal is to make five meals a day, breakfast being an essential part.
7 rules for breakfast are given below:
- Breakfast with alkaline foods: Do not start the day with an acidic breakfast; if you wake up in the morning with an unpleasant taste in your mouth it is because you are eating too acidic a diet. The ideal is to start the day with a lemon or orange juice, or even with a white tea and an apple combined have the same effects as a coffee. Most fruits are alkaline, so do not forget to include a piece or a natural juice in your breakfast.
- Whole grains: When it comes to taking carbohydrates, they are always the most favorable for health and the line. That’s why whole grains stand out as the best option: oats, barley, and quinoa, quality bread for our toasts. Avoid refined cereals and very elaborate. They are not natural and are not beneficial to health.
Image Source: Google Image - Do not combine sweet and salty: You will ask yourself. Cannot I combine a plate of fruit with a sandwich? You can do it, but your stomach can resent it. Fruit sugars are easy to digest and are not long in the stomach, but if we take heavy and salty things, the sugars in the fruit stay there and can ignite them. It is advisable not to do so.
- Get the right proteins in your breakfast: Many people often eat eggs, milk or even sausages, too heavy foods that can take a long-term bill. You must replace them with a vegetarian breakfast. It includes, for example, sprouts of soybeans in a fruit salad, and even nuts. They are ideal for our brain to get the right energies.
- Avoid dairy products: In recent times many works are being published that discuss the negative effects of milk: intolerance, inflammation, migraines, acidify blood, mucus in the colon if you also have respiratory problems like asthma, dairy aggravate this reality. You can substitute them for soy milk, almonds, and even almonds.
- Sit down for breakfast: If you eat in a hurry your stomach will suffer, it is not healthy. Take your time, get up a little earlier and do it quietly, chewing slowly so nutrients are absorbed properly. Try to relax with some music to leave the house with tranquility, well nourished and with enough energy to face the day.
- Hydrate yourself well: It is essential that you leave home each morning with your body well hydrated. Our brain needs it and our kidneys must cleanse our bodies of toxins, so it is essential that during breakfast you take at least two glasses of water. For this, you can combine it with for example the juice of a lemon, that first glass of liquids that will help you to clean the organism. Later, when you are finished having breakfast, have the last glass of water before leaving home.