Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not only is it the first meal of the day, it also breaks the children’s fasting after being up all night without snacking. Its importance is that breakfast should provide 25% of the energy needed to cope with the day. For this, we will discuss 5 tips for a healthy breakfast for kids.
Parents always have to be careful that our children do not forget to have breakfast. We must also make sure that their breakfast is as healthy as possible.
For today’s sedentary children, breakfast helps control overweight. Childhood obesity is usually related to a higher consumption of high-calorie foods with high fat and sugar content and less physical activity. Having a good breakfast gives them the energy they need for the day and prevents them from eating from the hours of hunger.
It’s not just about having breakfast every day, but about making it as healthy as possible. The best will always be to incorporate natural foods such as fresh seasonal fruits, nuts or whole grains and bread. If we want to include protein always eggs, milk or lean meats. That way we could include carbohydrates, healthy fats, and proteins at breakfast.
It is also important to eliminate at breakfast of our children products that do not contribute nutrients such as cereals and cookies with sugar, industrial pastries, and chocolates. Having breakfast healthy every day is not complicated. The only thing we have to consider is that we must include natural foods and moderate the consumption of sugar and fats.
We will tell you 5 simple tips to make your breakfast healthy and fun:
- Low-fat dairy
- Fruits or natural juices
- Cereals with fiber
- Less butter
- Beware of oil
- Low-fat dairy: If you are going to include dairy at the children’s breakfast, we have to make sure they are low in fat or skim. Not only the breakfast can consist of the classic glass of milk with cookies but you can also take for example a yogurt with muesli with nuts.
- Fruits or natural juices: In a healthy breakfast you cannot miss a piece of seasonal fruit or a fruit juice. It is always better to take fruit with the skin or the peel. If you prefer a juice, it has to be natural. If it is juice processed individually try not to contain added sugar.
- Cereals with fiber: Another of the best foods for a healthy breakfast for children is fiber cereals. Avoid in children’s breakfasts all those cereals or cookies that contain too much sugar. Look for cereals with fiber with fun shapes.
- Less butter: Try to use less butter or margarine when making pancakes or toast. Even if possible use lighter products that contain fewer fats. You can prepare delicious banana crepes or pancakes with honey. They will be just as tasty and much healthier.
- Beware of oil: As with butter and margarine, you also have to be very careful with the oil. If you are going to fry eggs or some lean meats for breakfast use only the necessary oil. With a tablespoon will be enough for a healthy and nutritious breakfast.